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Next Fedora Release

Waarom ook wij mee zouden moeten doen met al die sociale media gekte

Facebook, Twitter, Hyves, Android Apps…. Waarom, niet voor mij zou ik bijna gezegd hebben….

Maar dan. Ik kan me nog herinneren dat mijn ouders zeiden… ICQ is niet meer voor ons, zijn we te oud voor. Ik ben blij dat mijn moeder het toch actief is gaan gebruiken, zo lees ik nog eens iets . . . → Read More: Waarom ook wij mee zouden moeten doen met al die sociale media gekte

Cyrus-imapd i/o performance (100x speedup)

Yesterday I experienced some serious performance problems with Cyrus-imapd.

My INBOX contains about 2500 messages, and accessing it through Squirrelmail took my browser about ~120 seconds to display the overview page.

I found out that performance problem was caused by the imapd process which was causing a lot of iowait. The iowait was caused . . . → Read More: Cyrus-imapd i/o performance (100x speedup)

Bug in OpenID plugin for wordpress

Do you suffer the fact that you just updated your wordpress plugins, and openID in special, after which your wordpress becomes unusable? I had the same and here’s how to resolve..

Open wp-includes/user.php and at the line that says:

function get_usermeta( $user_id, $meta_key = ”) {

Just write a new function just above That . . . → Read More: Bug in OpenID plugin for wordpress

Vivian is alweer 3 weken oud

Wat is het toch een dotje.. En wat genieten we er toch van..

Je leven staat ineens helemaal op z’n kop.. je hebt ineens een kind om voor te zorgen. Maar het gekke is dat het allemaal heel snel went. Je weet al niet eens meer hoe het was voordat ze er was.

Ook . . . → Read More: Vivian is alweer 3 weken oud

Fiber optics live !

Yes, it’s live, my fiber optics internet connection is live..

Now why is this so nice? Check, it has my photo albums.. with 100mbit upstream (and my server stationed at home, it is well usable for a viewer..

I like . . .

Tension increasing.. Not long from now . . .

.. and I will become a dad !!

Yet a couple of things will have to be managed before we can ‘accept’ our youngest family member to our midst. Namely.. the name… This isn’t easy at all..

As with everything else, we’ll manage, but for now it is still undetermined… And after that, the . . . → Read More: Tension increasing.. Not long from now . . .

New mobile phone

Yep, it’s about two years now.. pondering away…

My mobile phone is facing retirement… it’s a blazing two years old (you know how many DAYS that is.. sheesh).

Time goes fast though.. also in mobile technology.. so I invested quite some time in selecting my new phone.. It’s clear that Android has my favour. . . . → Read More: New mobile phone

Twitter usable ??

As of now I have integrated the nicest online services: LinkedIn, WordPress, Plaxo, FaceBook and the desktop (Firefox and tweetdeck) now all use twitter to update any activity I have had.

Now I will have to be careful what I do, har har..

Merry Christmas

From here I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy, successful and healthy 2010 !!

Kattenbroek to get fiber optics network !

And over half a year past our start, we have a go on achieving our fiber optics network in the neighborhood.. What will this mean? Higher bandwidths while the prices remain acceptable… (cheap, in my opinion…)..

seven monhts of hard work.. finally being payed off !!